April is National Financial Literacy Awareness Month!

April is National Financial Literacy Awareness Month! In efforts to highlight the importance of financial literacy and teach students how to establish and maintain healthy… Read More

How much have you borrowed? Here’s how to monitor on AccessPlus

Whether you are getting ready to graduate this Spring, or are currently enrolled, it’s always a good idea to review your loan history from time… Read More

Managing Financial Stress During COVID-19

If you’re like most people, the idea of financially planning for a pandemic was not on your 2020 to-do list. Now that we are well… Read More

How to Pick the Right Apartment

How to Pick the Right Apartment by: John H, Peer Financial Advisor   After living in the dorms, you decide you want an alternative place… Read More

Spending Money Wisely

Figure out your budget   Making a budget can seem like a time-consuming thing to do, but it is one of the most important steps… Read More

Post-Graduation Financial Tips

The ultimate goal of going to college is to graduate. While it may be exciting to receive the first job and heading out into the… Read More

Tips and Tricks for Budgeting

Create a Buffer Understanding that what you plan for isn’t always the case. There are going to be unexpected expenses that come up especially with… Read More

FAFSA Do’s and Don’ts

Written by Office of Student Financial Success Peer Mentor : Kassadi Hilton Filing the FAFSA can seem like a very complicated and daunting task. Due… Read More

How to find the right bank

Whether you are new to the Ames community, or just looking for a more convenient option, finding the right financial institution to fit your needs… Read More