College is expensive, so it’s a good idea to earn and save as much money as you can during the summer. To land a summer job or paying internship in your field, follow these tips:
- Don’t wait. Start your search for a position early—three to six months in advance for jobs and up to a year in advance for internships.
- Visit your college’s career service office. You’ll find lists of jobs and internships, specialized job databases for students, and tips on resume writing and interviewing.
- Network. Ask college career advisors, professors, parents, relatives, neighbors, and friends for job or internship leads. Contact past employers to see if they’re hiring again.
- Consider jobs with tips. To really build up some cash, choose a summer job that pays hourly wages plus tips. Tips could more than double your hourly wage. Some options are:
- Delivering pizza
- Waiting tables
- Bartending (if you’re of legal age)
- Caddying at a local golf course
- Search for internships. Ask a college career advisor about internships in your field. Reach out to professional associations and local businesses or organizations about possible summer internships.
Keep in mind that paid and unpaid internships may be available in your field. While the work experience and contacts you gain could make up for a lack of a paycheck with an unpaid internship, going into debt isn’t a good idea. Calculate the true costs of an internship carefully, remembering to include housing, food, and transportation expenses. If you can, work another paid job while completing an unpaid internship.